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Privacy Policy    


Information to process personal data

Karel Pilař, IČO: 71273794, DIČ: CZ7712230196,, with its registered office at Převoznická 344/31, 143 00 Modřany - Prague 4, cares for the protection of the personal data you are sending us. It is important that you know that the personal data you provide us is processed responsibly, transparently and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council. You are entitled to request information about the personal data recorded, their correction or deletion if they are granted on the basis of your consent. If an automated processing occurs, you have the right to data portability and not be the subject of a decision based solely on that decision. In case of any inquiries and requests concerning the processing of your personal data, you can contact us in writing at the address of the company's registered office.  


Securing your personal data

Karel Pilař, IČO: 71273794, DIČ: CZ7712230196,, takes care of the security of the personal data that you submit to us. We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data sufficiently with respect to the seriousness of its processing. No unauthorized person has access to your personal data that we have obtained from you, and we do not pass it without your consent to other entities for further processing, unless required by law or in the protection of our legal interests.

Right to information

Your right is to ask Karel Pilař, IČO: 71273794, VAT No. CZ7712230196,, about information what personal data and to what extent and for what purpose we are processing about you. We will provide this information free of charge within 30 days, at extraordinary times within 90 days. We will inform you in advance of the extraordinary time limit. If you request disclosure of the information we register, we will first need to verify that you are the person who actually belongs to that information. In your application, therefore, provide sufficient identification of your person. If necessary, we have the right to request additional information for your identification before we provide you with the personal data we process about your person. It is our right to reasonably reject information requirements that are unreasonable, inappropriate, or unreasonable, or difficult to obtain (typically from backup systems, archive materials, etc.).


Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain the personal data we record about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Based on your request, these data may be passed to another administrator.


Data update, right to repair

Because personal data may change over time (for example, changing Surname), we will be glad if you inform us that you have made any changes so that your personal data is up to date and that there are no mistakes. Submission of information about the change of data is necessary for us to be able to properly perform our activity of the Administrator. This is also related to your right to repair the personal information we have about you. If you find that our data is no longer up to date, you have the right to have it repaired.


If you believe that we do not process your personal data in accordance with applicable Czech and EU law, you have the right to object and we will then verify the validity of your request. At the time of the objection, processing of your personal data will be limited until it is verified that the objection is justified. We inform you that it is your right to also address an objection to the processing of personal data processed by you at the relevant Personal Data Protection Supervisory Authority at: Office for Personal Data Protection, Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Praha 7.


Right to limit processing

You have the right to limit the processing of your personal data if you believe that such records are not accurate or we process them unlawfully, and if you believe that we no longer need them for processing.


The right to erase

If you have ever given us permission to process our personal data (for example, an email address within a business newsletter), you have the right to revoke it at any time, and we have the obligation to delete the data we process solely based on your consent. The right of cancellation does not apply to processed data under contract performance obligations, legitimate reasons or legitimate interests. If some of your data is stored in backup systems that automatically provide the resilience of all our systems and is a data loss protection function for crash cases, it is not our fault to erase these data from backup systems, and it is often not technically feasible. However, these data are no longer actively processed and will not be used for further processing purposes.


Where you can turn to

You can also ask your personal data protection questions by email: or to our headquarters: Karel Pilař, IČO: 71273794, VAT No. CZ7712230196,, Převoznická 344/31, 143 00 Praha 4 Modřany. 


Website - log files

If you access our website and view it, we process the following log files and store them on our servers. The information we store includes:

• Your IP Address

• Opening site of our site

• http response code

• Identify your browser

We process this information for a maximum of one year and only for the purposes of our legal protection.  



When you visit our website, you are informed that we use technology to collect and store cookies information on your device. Cookies are small text files that are not being sent anywhere, you can remove these files from your browser or disable them completely. Cookies do not collect any of your personal information, but without these files we can not ensure the full functionality of the website.


Analysis and statistics

We monitor and analyze websites using analytical services. None of the data we analyze through this service is your personal data. With this service, we detect traffic and geographic data, browser information, and the operating system from which you access your website. We use all of this information for marketing purposes for the purpose of further improving websites and content, as well as for legal protection purposes.  


Email subscribtion

If you are interested in Karel Pilař, IČO: 71273794, DIČ: CZ7712230196,, we will only process this email exclusively to these purposes. Karel Pilař, IČO: 71273794, DIČ: CZ7712230196,, does not transmit the e-mail address obtained to any other entities. In the event that you do not wish to receive emails for this purpose at any time in the future, you may withdraw your consent to the processing of the specified email address here or by sending it to us at the following address: Karel Pilař, IČO: 71273794, DIČ: CZ7712230196, e-mail:, or in writing to the address of the company's registered office.

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